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《365天日常口语放口袋》 作者:金利

第54章 提醒·忠告 (1)

  > Conversation

  教 诲·告 诫

  Unit 79俗话说得好,“不听老人言,吃亏在眼前”。前辈的教诲和告诫可能是他用“血淋淋”的教训换来的。所以,能少走一点弯路,少犯一点错误总是好的。

  1 Just don’t go too far. 适可而止就好。

  A: I want to make some investment into the share market. B: How much money are you planning to put in? A: I don’t know. What do you think? B: Just don’t go too far.甲:我想投资炒股。乙:你准备放多少钱进去?甲:我也不知道。你觉得呢?乙:适可而止就好。

  ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Enough is enough! Stop when you can. 2 Do it yourself. 自己的事情自己做。

  A: Where are you going? B: I’m going to see whether Peter can help me get the wall painted. A: Do it yourself. It’s not so hard.甲:你去哪里?乙:我去问问彼得能不能帮我刷墙。甲:自己的事情自己做。那也不难。

  330330 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Stand on your own feet. Be self-reliant. Rely on nobody but yourself.

  3 Do what you should do! 做你该做的事情!

  A: My boys are killing me! B: Where are they? It seems all right. A: Of course. I lock them up! B: What? Get them out of there. Do what you should do!甲:我的儿子们要把我弄疯了!乙:他们在哪儿呢?一切看起来都很正常啊。甲:当然了。我把他们锁起来了。乙:什么?快把他们放出来。做你该做的事情!

  4 Be realistic! 现实一点!

  A: I wish I could win a lottery some day. B: Oh, come on. Be realistic!甲:我梦想我哪天能中彩票。乙:得了吧。现实一点!

  >>>提醒·忠告>>>Chapter 14 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Be practical! Please come back to the real world. Are you traveling in the never-never-land? 5 You shouldn’t have left it half-done. 你不该就这么半途而废的。

  A: Oh, what a mess! B: I was trying to DIY a table. But I gave up. It’s so hard. A: You shouldn’t have left it half-done. Come on, let’s try together.甲:天啊,真是一团糟!乙:我试着自己做一张桌子。但是我放弃了。太困难了。甲:你不该就这么半途而废的。来,我们一起试试。

  6 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 A: I’m going to New York City! B: What for? A: I want to change a job. B: Well, look before you leap.甲:我要去纽约了!


  ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Think twice before you make up your mind. 7 Easier said than done. 说着容易做着难。

  A: I want to start a company. B: Good idea! What company? A: I don’t know, but I hope it would be one of the best. B: Easier said than done.甲:我想创业。乙:不错啊。你想办什么公司呢?甲:我还没想好,但是我希望能办一家最好的公司。乙:说着容易做着难啊。

  8 Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。

  A: You spilt the milk everywhere. Haste makes waste. B: I have only ten minutes left!甲:你把牛奶洒得到处都是。欲速则不达。乙:我只有十分钟了!

  9Do unto others what you would like them to do to you. 己所不欲,勿施于人。

  A: I’m going to college tomorrow. Do you have anything to tell me before I go? B: Remember the golden law: do unto others what you would like them to do to you. A: Thank you, grandpa. I’ll keep that in mind.甲:明天我就去上大学了。走之前你还有什么想跟我说的吗?乙:记住一条:己所不欲,勿施于人。甲:谢谢你,爷爷。我会记住的。

  >>>提醒·忠告>>>Chapter 14 investment [in'vestm4nt] n. 投资 lottery ['l3t4ri] n. 彩票 share [5A4(r)] n. 股份 realistic [`ri4'listik] adj. 现实的 paint [peint] v. 粉刷 leap [li:p] v. 跳跃 lock [l3k] v. 锁上 haste [heist] n. 匆忙

  > Conversation

  提 醒

  Unit 80 也不知道人生怎么就有那么多坑那么多陷阱可以掉进去,只知道等真的掉进去以后才后悔莫及也为时晚矣。只希望每个坑洞每个陷阱前面都有个牌子写着:“危险,慎入!”有时候,朋友的提醒就是这难得的警示牌。

  1 Don’t bully the new comer. 别欺负新来的。

  A: What did Cathy do wrong? B: Nothing. Why? A: I think you are too harsh to her. Don’t bully the new comer.甲:卡西做错什么了吗?乙:没什么。怎么了?甲:我觉得你对她太严格了。别欺负新来的。

  ■ Plus Plus:bully表示“欺负”,如果要说“欺负某人”,可在后面跟上人名。如果想说“欺负某人做某事”,可以用bully sb. into doing sth. 例如: You shouldn’t just let them bully you into doing extra work. It’s unfair. 你不该就这么让他们欺负你加班。太不公平了! 2 Stop being a child. 别孩子气了!

  A: I want to buy this dress. B: Let’s go. You already have enough for this season. A: But this one is different. It’s beautiful. B: Come on! Stop being a child.甲:我想要这条裙子。乙:走吧。你今年的衣服够多了。甲:但是这件不一样啊。它那么漂亮。乙:好了。别孩子气了!

  ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Don’t be so childish! Why you act like a child?

  3 He might be better than you think. 他可能比你想象中好。 A: I can’t stand Andy. He keeps asking me this or that. B: He’s a good fellow. He has a child’s curiosity. A: I just want him to shut his month. B: Oh, you know, he might be better than you think.甲:我受不了安迪了。他老是缠着我问这问那的。乙:他是个不错的小伙子。他保持着孩子般的好奇心。甲:我只想他闭嘴而已。乙:哦,你知道吗?他可能比你想象中好。

  4 Let me give you some advice. 我给你提点建议。

  A: Do you have a second, dad? B: Sure, what is it? A: I’m not sure whether I should register for the school basketball team. B: OK, let me give you some advice.甲:爸爸,你有时间吗?乙:有啊,怎么了?甲:我不知道是不是该报名参加学校篮球队。乙:好,我给你提点建议吧。

  >>>提醒·忠告>>>Chapter 14 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Do you want to know my advice? How about I give you a piece of advice? 5I should remind you that you have promised her to go. 我得提醒你,你可是答应人家了的。

  A: Hey, buddy. I need your help. Can you tell Anna that I’m with you tonight? B: But why? A: I said I would have dinner with her. But I don’t want to go now. B: Well, I should remind you that you have promised her to go.甲:唉,兄弟,帮个忙吧。你能告诉安娜我今晚和你一起不?乙:为什么?甲:我本来说要和她吃饭。但是我不想去了。乙:这样,我得提醒你,你可是答应人家了的。

  6 You should apologize to him. 你就该给他道歉。

  A: What’s the matter, Leo? You seem upset. B: I offended John, and he didn’t speak a single word to me in the past three days! A: You should apologize to him.甲:怎么了,里昂?你看起来不太好。乙:我冒犯了约翰,然后他三天都没有和我说话。甲:你就该给他道歉。

  7I think you should know that the bank closes at five. 我想你该知道银行五点就关门了。

  A: Where are you going? B: The bank. I want to withdraw some money. A: I think you should know that the bank closes at five. B: Really? Isn’t it five-thirty?甲:你去哪儿啊?乙:银行。我要取点钱。甲:我想你该知道银行五点就关门了。乙:啊,不是五点半啊?

  8 Let’s not prejudge the thing. 我们不要妄下论断。

  A: Why you say you are not interested in Rye’s plan? B: I don’t want him to think everything is as easy as he thinks. Besides, I really don’t think it’s going to work. A: Let’s not prejudge the thing.甲:你为什么说你对雷的计划不感兴趣?乙:我不想让他觉得所有事情都像他想象的那么简单。再说我的确不觉得那个计划可行。甲:我们不要妄下论断。

  ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Let’s just wait and see. Don’t worry. Time will tell.

  9 Behave yourself! 你注意点!

  A: I am so in love with the shrimps! They are so yummy!

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