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《为奴十二年》 作者:所罗门·诺萨普

第67章 Chapter XIX.(1)

  In the month of June, 1852, in pursuance of a previouscontract, Mr. Avery, a carpenter of Bayou Rouge,commenced the erection of a house for Master Epps. Ithas previously been stated that there are no cellars onBayou Boeuf; on the other hand, such is the low andswampy nature of the ground, the great houses areusually built upon spiles. Another peculiarity is, therooms are not plastered, but the ceiling and sides arecovered with matched cypress boards, painted such coloras most pleases the owner’s taste. Generally the plankand boards are sawed by slaves with whip-saws, therebeing no waterpower upon which mills might be builtwithin many miles. When the planter erects for himselfa dwelling, therefore, there is plenty of extra work for hisslaves. Having had some experience under Tibeats as acarpenter, I was taken from the field altogether, on thearrival of Avery and his hands.

  Among them was one to whom I owe an immeasurabledebt of gratitude. Only for him, in all probability I shouldhave ended my days in slavery. He was my deliverera man whose true heart overflowed with noble andgenerous emotions. To the last moment of my existenceI shall remember him with feelings of thankfulness. His name was Bass, and at that time he resided in Marksville.

  It will be difficult to convey a correct impression of hisappearance or character. He was a large man, betweenforty and fifty years old, of light complexion and lighthair. He was very cool and self-possessed, fond ofargument, but always speaking with extreme deliberation.

  He was that kind of person whose peculiarity of mannerwas such that nothing he uttered ever gave offence. Whatwould be intolerable, coming from the lips of another,could be said by him with impunity. There was not aman on Red River, perhaps, that agreed with him on thesubject of politics or religion, and not a man, I ventureto say, who discussed either of those subjects half asmuch. It seemed to be taken for granted that he wouldespouse the unpopular side of every local question, andit always created amusement rather than displeasureamong his auditors, to listen to the ingenious and originalmanner in which he maintained the controversy. Hewas a bachelor—an “old bachelor,” according to the trueacceptation of the term—having no kindred living, as heknew of, in the world. Neither had he any permanentabiding place—wandering from one State to another,as his fancy dictated. He had lived in Marksville threeor four years, and in the prosecution of his businessas a carpenter; and in consequence, likewise, of hispeculiarities, was quite extensively known throughoutthe parish of Avoyelles. He was liberal to a fault; and hismany acts of kindness and transparent goodness of heart rendered him popular in the community, the sentimentof which he unceasingly combated.

  He was a native of Canada, from whence he hadwandered in early life, and after visiting all the principallocalities in the northern and western States, in the courseof his peregrinations, arrived in the unhealthy region ofthe Red River. His last removal was from Illinois. Whitherhe has now gone, I regret to be obliged to say, is unknownto me. He gathered up his effects and departed quietlyfrom Marksville the day before I did, the suspicions ofhis instrumentality in procuring my liberation renderingsuch a step necessary. For the commission of a just andrighteous act he would undoubtedly have suffered death,had he remained within reach of the slavewhipping tribeon Bayou Boeuf.

  One day, while working on the new house, Bass andEpps became engaged in a controversy, to which, as willbe readily supposed, I listened with absorbing interest.

  They were discussing the subject of Slavery.

  “I tell you what it is Epps,” said Bass, “it’s all wrong—allwrong, sir—there’s no justice nor righteousness in it. Iwouldn’t own a slave if I was rich as Croesus, which I am not,as is perfectly well understood, more particularly amongmy creditors. There’s another humbug—the credit system—humbug, sir; no credit—no debt. Credit leads a man intotemptation. Cash down is the only thing that will deliverhim from evil. But this question of Slavery; what right haveyou to your niggers when you come down to the point?”

  “What right!” said Epps, laughing; “why, I bought ’em,and paid for ’em.”

  “Of course you did; the law says you have the right tohold a nigger, but begging the law’s pardon, it lies. Yes,Epps, when the law says that it’s a liar, and the truth isnot in it. Is every thing right because the law allows it?

  Suppose they’d pass a law taking away your liberty andmaking you a slave?”

  “Oh, that ain’t a supposable case,” said Epps, stilllaughing; “hope you don’t compare me to a nigger, Bass.”

  “Well,” Bass answered gravely, “no, not exactly. But Ihave seen niggers before now as good as I am, and I haveno acquaintance with any white man in these parts thatI consider a whit better than myself. Now, in the sight ofGod, what is the difference, Epps, between a white manand a black one?”

  “All the difference in the world,” replied Epps. “Youmight as well ask what the difference is between a whiteman and a baboon. Now, I’ve seen one of them crittersin Orleans that knowed just as much as any nigger I’vegot. You’d call them feller citizens, I s’pose?”—and Eppsindulged in a loud laugh at his own wit.

  “Look here, Epps,” continued his companion; “youcan’t laugh me down in that way. Some men are witty,and some ain’t so witty as they think they are. Now let meask you a question. Are all men created free and equal asthe Declaration of Independence holds they are?”

  “Yes,” responded Epps, “but all men, niggers, and monkeys ain’t;” and hereupon he broke forth into a moreboisterous laugh than before.

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